Frances, played brilliantly by Greta Gerwig, is a young woman living in New York trying, not very successfully, to make her way as a dancer. Despite set-back after set-back, including what seems like the loss of her best friend, Sophie, Frances refuses to be crushed by circumstance.
It is impossible for the audience not to be sucked in to Frances’s world. We root for her, almost from the beginning. An underdog, but not in any clichéd Hollywood sense. She is a layered and quirky character. “Undateable” as one of her close friends likes to call her. Though clearly everyone watching her exploits thinks she is extremely dateable and only needs to find the right person.
Most surprising and wonderful of all, however, is that this rather strange romantic-comedy is really not about sex at all, neither between man and woman nor woman and woman. It is about friendship. It is a hymn to best friends who, in this case, just happen to be two women. And how beautifully the tale is told. One leaves the cinema feeling good for Frances and optimistic about the possibilities of human relationships in general.
Bravo, Frances!