Just passed the ninety thousand word mark in BIG LEDGE. Just about time to start applying the brakes!
Below is a detail of a map showing the route of the Northern Pacific Railway. It starts in Minneapolis/ St. Paul and heads out to Tacoma and Portland.
Sproule and his fellow miners would normally have got off at Kootenai Station (near Sandpoint), then headed north to Bonner's Ferry. From there they could travel downriver to Kootenay Lake, cross the international border, and soon reach Big Ledge.
In 1884, Grohman tells a tale of his being accosted at gunpoint by Sproule on a train trip from Kootenai Station to Rathdrum. Rathdrum was the nearest settlement where Grohman would have encountered the law and could have sworn out a complaint against Sproule. For some reason he never did.
Any local Kootenay residents will note that Nakusp and Sandon are shown in the wrong place. Cute...