from my favorite feature: a miscellany of humour, bizarre facts, unsubstantiated rumour, and shameless advertisements:
That it is said that it is no longer the style for girls to learn to play on the banjo, from which a critic infers that they now play on the instrument without learning.
That Monsignor Fabre of Montreal has issued a circular to his clergy, in which he strongly condemns the tobogganing and snowshoe costumes of females.
That Oxford has 111 of its sons in the new parliament and Cambridge 82. Of the public schools Eton has 72, Harrow 46 and Rugby 27.
That extraordinary numbers of Jews are going to England from Germany, Russia and Roumania.
That Mme. Patti finds herself in high favour among the Parisiennes. “The French now talk of her,” writes Edward King, “as if she had made her debut here and were a child of Paris. They are quite wild to see her on stage once more.” She is to sing for these new worshipers soon after New Year’s.
That the street peddlers in Philadelphia did a thriving business on New Year’s day in false moustaches, beards and whiskers.
That roller skating is dying out at the east.